An historical award for Golf della Montecchia

Golf della Montecchia has received from the Italian Golf Federation the ‘Impegnati nel Verde’ (Committed to Green) Award for the Cultural Heritage Category.

The award has been assigned to Golf della Montecchia for the realization of the Volume ’30 Years of Golf della Montecchia: the sustainable land use in respect of the history and nature’.

The book, written in Italian and English, retrace the history of the course and its surroundings with a particular focus on the historical aspects of Capodilista Family, on whose land this majestic 27-holes were built, and owners of the Montecchia Castle that stands above the course.

Dr. Paolo Casati, president of Golf della Montecchia, declared ’We are very honored to receive this award, as a recognition of the effort that we made to produce a publication which is not simply celebrative of our 30 years of history but instead has a deep cultural and didactic value’.

This is the umpteenth sustainability award obtained by Golf della Montecchia: the facility has been three-time GEO Certified, in 2012 has been awarded in Water Category for its Water Management Policy whereas in 2017 has obtained the IAGTO Sustainability Award for the ‘Community Value Category’.